Ya están las notas y los certificados

Pues eso, que ya podéis pasaros por la Secretaría del Centro (por las mañanas) a recoger vuestros certificados. Para que se los enseñeis a vuestros hijos, a vuestras amistades, a vuestros padres, a los ingleses cuando no os entiendan.....

Buen verano.

SESION 44: 11 de Junio de 2010

I hope you'll have a great holidays!!


Con subtítulos:

Mir. Duncan: Friends

Hemos estado hablando sobre lo que deberíais hacer este verano para ir mejorando vuestro inglés y no olvidar lo que sabéis.
  • Deberíais repasar todos los ejercicios que hemos hecho este curso, para recordar el vocabulario y la gramática.
  • También podéis seguir en orden las lecciones que aparecen en los cursos graduados de las páginas de La mansión del inglés , de Inglés Mundial y de Saber Inglés. También podéis practicar los distintos aspectos de la lengua inglesa (gramática, vocabulario, escucha...) en esas páginas eligiendo la opción correspondiente en el menú de la izquierda o en esta página de Oxford University Press. Pinchad sobre el libro del nivel que queráis repasar y luego elegid el tipo de ejercicios. Podeis practicar hasta el nivel Pre_intermediate.
  • Pero lo más importante es que leáis y escuchéis textos en inglés. Os dejaré algunos enlaces para poder trabajar estos aspectos.
Breakingnewsenglish. Textos escritos , con audio incluido y con ejercicios para hacer después.
Real English: Vídeos con diálogos organizados por temas gramaticales y tiempos verbales y con ejercicios para practicar.
Mr. Duncan. Vídeos con explicaciones en inglés sobre el uso de ciertas palabras y sinónimos y antónimos de las mismas.
Periódicos ingleses o de EEUU
Emisoras de radio
Programas de TV

  • En cuanto a SPEAKING, en cuanto tengáis ocasión de hablar con alguien en inglés hacedlo y si no la tenéis, ya sabeis, hablad con vosotros mismos o con vuestro amigo imaginario. Eso también sirva para ir practicando.
  • Podéis usar un diccionario on line, como Wordreference, que es muy completo.

Have a good summer. See you next course.

SESION 43: 8 de Junio de 2010

Talking about the future: your predictions and your plans

UNIT 7: "Charity". We've read the comic and the writing exercises
: Future with TO BE GOING TO
Talking about the future: your predictions and your plans
You have to write a composition

Next Friday is the last class in this course. See you

SESION 42: 4 de Junio de 2010

What are you going to do next summer?

: Future with TO BE GOING TO
What are you going to do next summer?

SESION 41: 26 de Mayo de 2010

We are going to speak English next summer

SONG: We listen to a new song "Apologize" by Timbaland. We correct the words and translate it.
EXERCISES: We correct your compositions about the future and the grammar sheet
SPEAKING: What's is she going to do? She's going to play the piano (Close ups 1)
Observation 5 (A woman is going to dive into the water, a man has just dived into the water)

You have writen the sentences in the future with TO BE GOING TO of the speaking exercise and an extra practice sheet about the future with will

See you next Friday, because next Tuesday There won't be class.

SESION 40: 25 de Mayo de 2010

We are going to speak English next summer

SONG: We listen to a new song "Apologize" by Timbaland
EXERCISES: We correct your compositions about the future and the grammar sheet
UNIT 7: "Charity appeal". We read the vocabulary (nouns and adjectives)
READING: I've given you a short theatre play to read. We are reading it in our class
HOMEWORK: You have to do the grammar exercises about the future with TO BE GOING TO.

Hemos estado hablando sobre lo que deberíais hacer este verano para ir mejorando vuestro inglés y no olvidar lo que sabéis.
  • Deberíais repasar todos los ejercicios que hemos hecho este curso, para recordar el vocabulario y la gramática.
  • También podéis seguir en orden las lecciones que aparecen en los cursos graduados de las páginas de La mansión del inglés , de Inglés Mundial y de Saber Inglés. También podéis practicar los distintos aspectos de la lengua inglesa (gramática, vocabulario, escucha...) en esas páginas eligiendo la opción correspondiente en el menú de la izquierda o en esta página de Oxford University Press. Pinchad sobre el libro del nivel que queráis repasar y luego elegid el tipo de ejercicios. Podeis practicar hasta el nivel Pre_intermediate.
  • Pero lo más importante es que leáis y escuchéis textos en inglés. Os dejaré algunos enlaces para poder trabajar estos aspectos.
Breakingnewsenglish. Textos escritos , con audio incluido y con ejercicios para hacer después.
Real English: Vídeos con diálogos organizados por temas gramaticales y tiempos verbales y con ejercicios para practicar.
Mr. Duncan. Vídeos con explicaciones en inglés sobre el uso de ciertas palabras y sinónimos y antónimos de las mismas.
Periódicos ingleses o de EEUU
Emisoras de radio
Programas de TV

  • En cuanto a SPEAKING, en cuanto tengáis ocasión de hablar con alguien en inglés hacedlo y si no la tenéis, ya sabeis, hablad con vosotros mismos o con vuestro amigo imaginario. Eso también sirva para ir practicando.
  • Podéis usar un diccionario on line, como Wordreference, que es muy completo.

See you next Friday.

SESION 39: 21 de Mayo de 2010

I told you to write a composition

SONG: We listen to a new song "Apologize" by Timbaland
EXERCISES: We correct your compositions about the future and the grammar sheet
GRAMMAR: Uses of the infinitive
SPEAKING: We've spoken about things we had adviced someone to do or things we want someone to do
READING: I've given you a short theatre play to read.

See you next Tuesday. We are going to read the theatre play together.

SESION 38: 18 de Mayo de 2010

Music is wonderful!

I've given you a sheet with vocabulary about the living room
An intelligent house. We've read this text (Future tenses).
WRITING: You can take it as a model to write a composition about an intelligent school or an intelligent hospital or something like that.

I've explained the structure: I want you to + verb
SPEAKING: We've spoken about music
HOMEWORK: Do the vocabulary exercises and the composition, and grammar exercises

Today María, Pilar's daughter has been with us in our class. She is really lovely and she can speak English very well. She has been a great pupil today. Thank you María for your composition.

See you next Friday. Please write your compositions.

SESION 37: 14 de Mayo de 2010

Speaking about economy: What are your predictions about the future?

We've corrected exercises about the bedroom and bathroom and the kitchen vocabulary
SPEAKING: You have described your bedroom.
PRONUNTIATION: Here you are a new Avatar of pronuntiation. Click on the picture to use it.

You can find it in "Enlaces de interés"
HOMEWORK: Look for vocabulary about music to speak about this theme next Tuesday.
You can find some words here: music, types of music and musical instruments

We've decided to speak about music in our next class. Please, think about this theme and look for the vocabulary you need to talk to your partners.

SESION 36: 11 de Mayo de 2010

What are we going to speak about in our next class? We are speaking about music

We've corrected exercises from the video sheets and the exercises about the joining words (it is very difficult, as you said) and the vocabulary about the kitchen.
GRAMMAR: Present Continuous for appointments in the Future
VOCABULARY: In the bedroom and bathroom (I give you a sheet with the words and some exercises)
SPEAKING: What are you doing next weekend?
HOMEWORK: Vocabulary exercises about the bedroom and bathroom and Modulo 3. Unit 2 Exercises from the video sheets.

We've decided to speak about music in our next class. Please, think about this theme and look for the vocabulary you need to talk to your partners.

SESION 35: 4 de Mayo de 2010

Casanova's Diary: What is John doing next week?

WRITING: Joining words. I've given you a sheet with the most usual joining words and you have to do some exercises to use them.
GRAMMAR: Present Continuous for appointments in the Future
SPEAKING: ."Casanova's diary". We've played a rol game to practice with the Present Continuous for fixed appointments
HOMEWORK: writing exercises (joining words)

Next Friday there won't be class, so see you next Tuesday. Please do all the exercises and practice with the grammar and the vocabulary. Have a good weekend.

SESION 34: 30 de Abril de 2010

Fernando is coming to Alpedrete this afternoon from Madrid

: We've corrected
video exercises (conversation A and ex. 3)
GRAMMAR: Present Continuous for appointments in the Future
SPEAKING: . We've spoken about our next weekend arrangements
VOCABULARY:I give you the sheets with vocabulary about the parts of a house. We've read the vocabulary about the kitchen and you have to do the exercises. We've learnt the difference between TO REMEMBER AND TO REMIND
HOMEWORK: Kitchen vocabulary exercises

See you next Tuesday.

SESION 33: 27 de Abril de 2010

It's very hot in the class today. "I'll open the windows", Susi said.

SONG: We have listened to the song: "Message in a bottle" by The Police
EXERCISES: We've corrected Grammar exercises (5,6,7,8) and your compositions about a Future of Leisure
GRAMMAR: Will for offers
SPEAKING: . We've spoken about offers with will
UNIT 5: Future with will Predictions. (unit 5) We've read a comic "Paradise.com"
VIDEO: I wanted it blue

I give you the sheets with all the vocabulary and the dialogues.
HOMEWORK: Read the sheets about the video and learn the sentences to expess your opinions. Do the exercises.

I want you to speak in English with your partners when you arrive in the classrroom everyday. See you on Friday.

SESION 32: 20 de Abril de 2010

Don't touch that wire. You'll get an electric shock

SONG: We have listened to a new song: "Message in a bottle" by The Police
EXERCISES: We've corrected exercise 3 (vocabulary) in pag. 1, Ex. 2 (reading comprehension) in pag. 2 and ex. 1 and 2 (grammar) in pag. 3 (unit 5, predictions)
GRAMMAR: the Future with will and some exercises
SPEAKING: . We've spoken about bilingual schools. Then we've done the observation sheet: You'll get an electric shock
UNIT 5: Future with will Predictions. (unit 5) We've read an advertisment and we've done some exercises about it.
HOMEWORK:Grammar exercises (3,4,5,6,7,8) and a composition about a Future of Leisure exhibition using these words: first, then, after that, finally.

Next Friday there won't be class. So see you next Tuesday.

SESION 31: 13 de Abril de 2010

Shall I give you your marks?

SONG: We have listened to a new song: "Message in a bottle" by The Police
EXERCISES: We've corrected exercises 3, 7 and 8 about the video sheet "Moving in"
GRAMMAR: the Future with will
SPEAKING: We've expressed our decissions and our predictions
VOCABULARY: To Borrow and to lend
UNIT 5: Future with will Predictions. I've given you some sheets to work. We've done some exercises in this class: vocabulary and reading
HOMEWORK:Finish exercise 3 (vocabulary) in pag. 1, Ex. 2 (reading comprehension) in pag. 2 and ex. 1 and 2 (grammar) in pag. 3

You can write a composition, using the future with will for predictions, talking about whatever you want: education, food, work..... in the future.

See you next Tuesday.

SESION 30: 13 de Abril de 2010

I'll put you the exam right now

SONG: We have listened to a new song: "Message in a bottle" by The Police
EXERCISES: You've read your compositions
GRAMMAR: the Future with will and it uses and the passive voice
SPEAKING: We've expressed our decissions
VOCABULARY: To Borrow and to lend
HOMEWORK:Finish exercises 3 and 7 about the video sheet

Next Wednesday there will be a poetic recital in the Culture House. Some students of this school will read a poem and we'll have some music too. Please, come to listen to them.

In June (from 11th till 14th) there will be a trip to Cantabria. You can reserve your place.