SESION 9: 1 de Diciembre de 2009

In this place you should speak in English all the time

SONG: "Fool again" by Westlife. We've corrected the text and we've translated it.
EXERCISES: We've corrected ex. from pag. 54 (1,2,3,4) and Autoevaluation 4
VOCABULARY: Irregular Past Participles
SPEAKING : "Where it is?" We've played a guessing game. I've described a place explaining things you should and you must do there and you've traid to guess it. Then you've drescribed some other places.
WORLD AIDS DAY: Today is the World AIDS Day. We've talked about advices to prevent it. Then We've said some advices to prevent the flue. We've practiced a lot with should, shouldn't, must, mustn't, can and can't.
PRONUNTIATION: If you want to know how can you pronounce a word in English I let you here a link to a virtual american friend who will pronounce it for you. You just write the word in the box, click enter and listen to her.

HOMEWORK: Do exercises from sheets about the video

You can watch the video again and practice with the sentences and the vocabulary. Read the explanations about the grammar and the conversations in the papers I gave you last day and do exercises 1, 2 and 3 from the sheet called "Unidad 7: Reconocer a alguien. Ejercicios". We'll correct them next Friday.

2 comentarios:

taminlym dijo...

concha estoy enferma creo que tengo la gripe A. Si hoy no mejoro voy al medico. estoy estudiando por aqui. mi e´mail és

Concha Pérez dijo...

Hello Taminlyn:

I'm sorry to read your are ill. I hope you get better soon. You should go to the doctor and be careful. You should drink a lot of water, rest and do what your doctor says.

I hope you will be fine next Friday. See you.