SESION 12: 15 de Diciembre de 2009

Christmas Carols

VOCABULARY: Irregular Past Participles
EXERCISES: We've corrected all the exercises from the sheet about the videos "Unidad 7: Reconocer a alguien. Ejercicios"
GRAMMAR: MUST and CAN'T for deductions.
TEST: You have done a little test about the things youhave learned with the videos. I'll give you the marks in January.
SPEAKING: I have given you a photo of a person and you have described it aloud .
SONG: " Twinkle, Twinkle little star" and "We wish you a Merry Christmas"

Have a Merry Christmas and a Happy New year, as the song says. See you
on January the twelveth.

SESION 11: 11 de Diciembre de 2009

What does she look like?

VOCABULARY: Irregular Past Participles

EXERCISES: We've corrected ex. from Autoevaluation 6 and 7 about the Future and Comparatives and Superlatives.
VIDEO: What does she look like?

GRAMMAR: We have read the sheet about the video "What does she look like?" to learn how to use MUST and CAN'T for deductions.
HOMEWORK: Do all the exercises from sheets about the video called "Unidad 7: Reconocer a alguien. Ejercicios" and exercises from the sheet about the video "What does she look like?"

See you next Tuesday and we'll practice all these sentences to describe people. It'll be the last class in this term.

SESION 10: 4 de Diciembre de 2009

I'm wearing jeans, black sweater and glasses.

EXERCISES: We've corrected ex. from Autoevaluation 4 about de Simple Past Tense
VOCABULARY: Irregular Past Participles
SPEAKING : We have talked about the things we did last week. You've ask your partners and answered the questions.
GRAMMAR: We have read the sheet about the video "I'm five foot two" to remember how to describe somebody, talking about the phisical appearance and the clothes.
HOMEWORK: Do exercises 1,2 and 3 from sheets about the video called "Unidad 7: Reconocer a alguien. Ejercicios"

Next Tuesday is a holiday, so we'll meet again next Friday. We'll correct the exercises and watch the next video and practice the sentences to describe people.

SESION 9: 1 de Diciembre de 2009

In this place you should speak in English all the time

SONG: "Fool again" by Westlife. We've corrected the text and we've translated it.
EXERCISES: We've corrected ex. from pag. 54 (1,2,3,4) and Autoevaluation 4
VOCABULARY: Irregular Past Participles
SPEAKING : "Where it is?" We've played a guessing game. I've described a place explaining things you should and you must do there and you've traid to guess it. Then you've drescribed some other places.
WORLD AIDS DAY: Today is the World AIDS Day. We've talked about advices to prevent it. Then We've said some advices to prevent the flue. We've practiced a lot with should, shouldn't, must, mustn't, can and can't.
PRONUNTIATION: If you want to know how can you pronounce a word in English I let you here a link to a virtual american friend who will pronounce it for you. You just write the word in the box, click enter and listen to her.

HOMEWORK: Do exercises from sheets about the video

You can watch the video again and practice with the sentences and the vocabulary. Read the explanations about the grammar and the conversations in the papers I gave you last day and do exercises 1, 2 and 3 from the sheet called "Unidad 7: Reconocer a alguien. Ejercicios". We'll correct them next Friday.

SESION 8: 27 de Noviembre de 2009

I'm five foot two

SONG: "Fool again" by Westlife
EXERCISES: We've corrected ex. from pag. 52, 53
VOCABULARY: Irregular Past Participles
UNIT 6. Pag. 55 and 55
GRAMMAR: Should and Must.
VIDEO: Encontrarse a alguien por primera vez "I'm five foot two"

HOMEWORK: Do exercises from pag. 54

You can watch the video again and practice with the sentences and the vocabulary. We'll correct the exercises next Tuesday.

SESION 7: 24 de Noviembre de 2009

You shouldn't drive your car in the park.

We've asked José Antonio about his holidays in London and he has answered our questions.
EXERCISES: We've corrected ex. from pag. 51 and your writings.
VOCABULARY: Irregular Past Participles
UNIT 6. Pag. 52 and 53
GRAMMAR: Should and Must.
SPEAKING: Observation 1. You've watched a picture where some people is doing something wrong and you've told what the park keeper says to them. You shouldn't drive your car in the park.
HOMEWORK: Do exercises from pag. 52,53 and 54

See you next Friday at ten o'clock.

SESION 6: 17 de Noviembre de 2009

You mustn't smoke in the school

EXERCISES: You have given me your descriptions and you've read some of them.
VOCABULARY: Irregular Past Participles
SPEAKING: "How to keep fit?". In pair you talk about your opinions and try to compare them (using should and the comparatives)
UNIT 6. Pag. 50 and 51
GRAMMAR: Should and Must.
SONG: "Fool again" by Westlife
HOMEWORK: You have to write a composition explaining what do you do to be fit and what should you do to be fitter. Do exercises from pag. 51 too.

See you next Friday at ten o'clock. You must study and practice your English

SESION 5 - 10 de Noviembre de 2009

Giving advices

LISTENING: You have listened to a conversation "Buying a sandwich" trying to understand some words and sentences. You have completed the blanks (complete text)
FESTIVALS: Halloween. We have read a text about the origins. You can finish reading it at home
UNIT 6. Pag. 48 and 49. Foods and drinks. Modals (Can, Should, Must)
SONG: "Fool again" by Westlife
SPEAKING: In pairs, you have talked about your problems and you have ask for advice, using should.
HOMEWORK: I have given to you a paper with a descripcion of a frying pan. You have to write a similar text describing a sauce pan and you have to write a letter explaining the things you bought and the prices.

See you next Friday at ten o'clock. You should write the description

SESION 4 - 20 de Octubre de 2009

At the greengrocer's

READING AND SPEAKING: You have read a reading about healthy meals and talked about the better choice looking at a menu.
EXERCISES:We have corrected the Autoevaluación 3, about There is/are and how much/many

GRAMMAR: There is/are, Some/ Any, How much/ How many
SONG: Frozen by Madonna. We have listened to it, correct all the words and translate it.
SPEAKING: José Antonio and Susi have acted out a conversation at the Greengrocer's. Later, in pairs you have talked about what you needed or bought last week and what you are going to cook tomorrow.
LISTENING: You have listened to a conversation "Buying a sandwich" trying to understand some words and sentences. Next week you'll complete the blanks.
HOMEWORK: Write a recipe of something you use to cook

You can now talk about food you need and go shopping and ask for it. Practice at home and write the recipe. See you next week.

SESION 3 - 13 de Octubre de 2009

Greetings. Asking about the time, date and weather

EXERCISES: We have corrected the Autoevaluación 2, about the Present Continuous and Exercises 1, 2, 3 about Topic "Hacer la compra"
GRAMMAR: Present Continuous
VOCABULARY: Irregular Past tenses, Food
SPEAKING: We have practiced a conversation about what we need to buy in the supermarket. We have talked about last long weekend too.
VIDEO: Hacer la compra. Three pounds of apples

HOMEWORK: You can finish exercises 4,5,6,7 and do the reading about healthy food and the writing about the supermarket.

You can now talk about food you have at home and food you need to buy and you can go to different shops to buy, ask for the things you need, ask for the price and pay for them. Please, practice all these sentences and study the vocabulary and the grammar. You have a week. See you.

SESION 2 : 6 de Octubre de 2009

What do we need?

EXERCISES: We have corrected the Autoevaluación 1, about the Simple Present
: Regular verbs, Past Tense. Pronuntiation
GRAMMAR: Present Simple and Past Simple of the regular verbs
SONG: Frozen by Madonna.
VIDEO: Hacer la compra . What do we need?

SPEAKING: In pairs, you have practiced this situation: You have to cook an omelette, and speak about what you need, what you have and what you have to buy.
HOMEWORK: Autoevaluación 2 y Hacer la compra , Exercises 1, 2 and 3.

Hemos conocido a tres compañeras nuevas y hemos repasado algunas cosas esenciales. Podéis repasar el vocabulario y la gramática. Y hacer los "deberes".
Por favor, si utilizais el blog, poned algún comentario. Thank you.

SESION 1 - 29 de Septiembre de 2009

When did you start studying English?

Hoy nos hemos encontrado por primera vez y ha comenzado nuestra andadura. Para conocernos mejor y ver de dónde partimos y a dónde queremos llegar, os he pasado un cuestionario sobre vuestros conocimientos de inglés y vuestras expectativas. Algunos ya nos conocemos del curso pasado, pero también hay compañeros y compañeras nuevas de los que aprenderemos y que aprenderán con nosotros y juntos iremos avanzando.

SPEAKING: Exponemos a los compañeros las contestaciones al cuestionario inicial, para irnos conociendo como grupo. Explicamos nuestras vacaciones del verano que pasó y nos preguntamos por ellas.

VOCABULARY: Tourism (pincha sobre la palabra y podrás ver el vocabulario que hemos visto hoy en clase. Si no lo puedes escuchar, sigue las instrucciones que se dan al pie de la página web del enlace, para instalar algunos programas que necesitas.)

SONG: Frozen by Madonna.

HOMEWORK: Para poneros al día y rellenar lagunas os entrego unas fichas con ejercicios para repasar.( Verb TO BE, TO HAVE GOT, THERE IS/ARE AND PRESENT SIMPLE, PAST SIMPLE, ETC.) La iremos viendo los próximos días.

Nos vemos el próximo día y espero que utiliceis el inglés en las clases.