SESION 15: 22 de Enero de 2010

What have they done?

VOCABULARY: Past Partiples and Geographical features
EXERCISES: We've c orreted exc 9B pag. 59 and 10B, pag. 60
GRAMMAR: Present Perfect. We have read about the adverbs you can use with this tense
SPEAKING:We have practiced this tense and the verb HAVE TO with a memory game.
HOMEWORK: Study the Past Participle

Next Tuesday you'll speak about you have done at the weekend

2 comentarios:

Anónimo dijo...

hello concha. I couldn´t go to class, but in this moment I have a little free time and I wanted to see what we´ll do us the next day. I hope can go . happy week-end


Concha Pérez dijo...

Hello Toñi:

We have practiced with de Present Pefect and you have to study Past Participle and next day we'll continue practicing with this tense.

See you.