SESION 2 : 6 de Octubre de 2009

What do we need?

EXERCISES: We have corrected the Autoevaluación 1, about the Simple Present
: Regular verbs, Past Tense. Pronuntiation
GRAMMAR: Present Simple and Past Simple of the regular verbs
SONG: Frozen by Madonna.
VIDEO: Hacer la compra . What do we need?

SPEAKING: In pairs, you have practiced this situation: You have to cook an omelette, and speak about what you need, what you have and what you have to buy.
HOMEWORK: Autoevaluación 2 y Hacer la compra , Exercises 1, 2 and 3.

Hemos conocido a tres compañeras nuevas y hemos repasado algunas cosas esenciales. Podéis repasar el vocabulario y la gramática. Y hacer los "deberes".
Por favor, si utilizais el blog, poned algún comentario. Thank you.

6 comentarios:

carmen dijo...

Dear Concha: Last Tuesday I couldn't go to the English class, I'll do the exercises for the next class. I see you


Concha Pérez dijo...

Hello Carmen: We miss you last Tuesday. Please, practice with the sentences you can hear in the video to use them next day.
See you next week.

Anónimo dijo...


fernando dijo...

Hello, my classmates,
Do we really want to practice our pour English? don't we?
Then we can promise ourselves to write every week one or two sentences in this blog and ask our teacher to correct our writing mistakes.

Concha Pérez dijo...

Hello Anónimo: I don't know who are you, beacause you haven't written yor name. Please don't forget to do it next time.

See you.

Concha Pérez dijo...

Hello Fernando:

You always have good ideas and suggestions. I think it would be a good idea for your classmates to follow your advices.

See you next Tuesday.